Thursday, April 28, 2011


Bacteremia can follow surgery ,dental treatment and even tooth brushing .The transient presence of organisms in the blood can occur in healthy people 


Many infections are limited to a body organ or system Especially because the body's metabolic needs that may route of infection, or infections defences.Other o host response may affect multiple systems, or whole body . Under unusual situations host immunity as amended, infections, usually related can become systemic. we are describing infections that typically cause systemic disease in an immunocompetent host.

Bacteremia occurs when bacteria enter the bloodstream. This can occur through a wound or infection, or surgery or injection. Bacteremia may cause no symptoms and resolve without treatment or can cause fever and other symptoms of infection. In some cases, the bacteria leads to septicshock, potentially life-threatening condition.
Number of live bacteria on the skin or colonize the moist linings of the urinary tract, lower gastrointestinal tract and other internal surfaces. These bacteria are generally harmless, on how to control the body's natural barriers and the immune system. People in good health with strong immune systems rarely develop bacteremia. However, when bacteria directly from the circulatory system, particularly personwho is sick or aggressive treatment, maynot immune systems can cope with the attack, and symptoms of bacteremia may develop. For this reason, bacteremia is more common in people who have already or treat other medical problems. Furthermore, medical care can add a personal touch of new bacteria, which are invasive than those already residing in the human body, thus increasing the likelihood of bacterial infection.
The bacteria most likely to cause bacteremia include members of Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, Haemophilus and Escherichia coli (E. coli) genera. Bacteremia is diagnosed by blood culture for bacteria. The samples may be needed repeatedly tested for several hours. The blood test may also reveal elevated white blood cells. Blood pressure should be closely watched, a decrease of blood pressure may indicate an incipient septic shock. Antibiotics are the cornerstone of treatment and are often initiated before the positive identification of the bacteria are made. Careful observation is necessary to protect against septic shock. Since bacteremia is usually associated with infection from elsewhere in the body, detect and treat this infection is an  important part of treatment.

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